Questions and Answers (Q&A) regarding Summer Camp:
Q) What safety measures are you taking in your center to keep children, parents and staff safe?
A) Rise and Shine has implemented additional safety procedures and protocols according to the CDC guidelines, included but not limted to:
Reduced capacity (limiting to 10 persons per room, including staff)
Increased cleaning of frequently used surfaces like door handles, bathrooms.
Restricted traffic in the center by only allowing staff and children in the center; no parents or tours.
Drop off and pick up outside of center.
Increased enforcement of hand washing and sick policies
Mandatory temperature checks of all staff and children upon entering the center
Staff required to wash hands with soap before student session
All children required to sanitize hands (and be observed by staff) upon entering center.
All staff and children 10 years and older are REQUIRED to wear masks while in the center
Q) What if my child does not want to wear a face covering?
A) We will be giving students “mask breaks” as needed, which means stepping outside of the center and removing their mask until they feel comfortable. They will be required to wear a face covering when they re-enter the center.